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Institute of Corrosion/PFPNet Fire Protection Coatings Inspector Training Programme

Institute of Corrosion/PFPNet Fire Protection Coatings Inspector Training Programme (Ref: ICorr/PFPNet CITP)


In September 2020 the Institute of Corrosion and PFPNet launched the new PFP Inspectors courses; 2 courses aimed at both Epoxy and Cementitious PFP Inspection.


The market dynamic has changed over the last 10 years and there is now a requirement to improve competence in the application of these safety critical products.


Passive fire protection is a critical item in personnel safety, it is also there to protect valuable assets against fire and by preventing escalation of an incident. However, to work correctly and maintain its integrity over the lifetime of an asset means it must be installed to the highest standards available, thereby making correct inspection of installation core to its success.


Due to the complexity of the industry the new certified training will be a Level 3 accreditation.


Key areas of the course content include:


  • Introduction to the types of passive fire protection (PFP) used and why it is important

  • Types of structure that are protected by PFP

  • Qualification and approval of PFP materials and the importance of ensuring compliance with project specification and regulatory requirements

  • Installation of products from surface preparation through to final finish coat

  • The impact of incorrect installation and defects, and how this affects both fire integrity and long-term performance

  • Installation planning, importance of Quality Control at all stages and the responsibilities of the parties involved

  • The role of the Inspector in ensuring a successful installation


The course is a full five-day programme and on the fifth day attendees will be required to complete an end of course examination, and their success will depend upon achieving sufficient marks against a defined set of questions.


ICorr and PFPNet believe that this training course will set a new standard in the industry for PFP inspection, and with cooperation of their respective members, particularly asset owners, will be looking to establish the course as the benchmark for inspector and engineer training.



The next stage of the programme will be to develop the 1st independent 3rd party applicator Training programme which will run in parallel to the PFP Manufacturers in-house training.


The net result will be improved competence, higher productivity and a reduction in the costs of correction when it does wrong.

© 2020 Corrosion Integrity Management

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